Tastey Treat.

Nothing compares to waking up and eating fresh fruit. There’s something about the chilled savoriness of these treats after a night of long (or these days it’s more like short) slumber. YUM! Yesterday I had some fresh kiwis, one of my favorite fruits. My mind never fails to race to a tropical place when I’m enjoying this delicious fruit. Today, I delighted in another favorite.. watermelon! Or as Little Diva Chels would say, “washhh-ermelon”. Mmm, another YUM! So I couldn’t help find some of the juiciest looking photos to enjoy mid-day. Tomorrow, I just might dig into the ever so deeeelicious mango sitting on the counter. Yep!

Ok, these are adorable!

While I hate to run off, and leave your taste buds bursting, I must! The world of retail is calling me, that is the world of working retail.


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