International Porcupine Caribou Agreement

This agreement is important to Canada because the porcupine caribou herd is a cross-border species on which First Nations depend in the Yukon and Northwest territories. Recognition of First Nations harvesting rights related to this herd is well established in the denite claims arising from the Inuvialuit Final Agreement. In Canada, Vuntut and Ivvavik National Parks protect habitat for Porcupine Caribou furnaces and are managed by the Parks Canada Agency. Following the signing of the Porcupine Caribou Management Agreement, the International Convention on the Caribou Porcupine was concluded to enable international cooperation in the conservation of this cross-border herd. CONSIDERING that the conservation of the pig caribou herd and their habitat requires goodwill on the part of landowners, wildlife managers, caribou users and other users of the area; “Decision-makers, in this case those of the U.S. government, must be aware, fully informed and recognize the commitments made in these agreements.” The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation asserts that the United States does not comply with the terms of the 1987 Caribou pork agreement because it has not discussed the leasing program internationally. The Canadian Porcupine Caribou Management Agreement was signed in 1985, originally in the Inuvialuit Land Claim Agreement, and has since been included in subsequent land claim agreements in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. A Porcupine Caribou Management Council (PCMB) was established as an advisory board for this national agreement, made up of Canadian representatives from the governments of the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Canada, as well as all First Nations that have traditionally used the herd. NOTE that there are various human uses for caribou and that for generations, some people in the Yukon territory and the Northwest Territories in Canada have traditionally harvested porcupine Caribou to meet their nutritional, cultural and other needs, and that some residents of the State of Alaska in the United States have harvested Caribou pork for traditional and traditional uses and will do so in the future. In the future and that these people should be involved in the conservation of the Caribou pig oven and its habitat; Identify, advise and recommend conservation measures for sensitive habitats for the caribou porcupine herd. They say there is no substitute for Porcupine Caribou if the population falls below a sustainable harvest rate. The agreement created an international body with equal representation from Canada and the United States. The council recommends measures for the conservation of sensitive habitats; Management activities include harvest plans and data collection activities to maintain the health of the herd.

Monitoring shows that the stock is in good condition. In 1987, Canada and the United States signed the international porcupine caribou agreement for herd protection. The agreement requires consultation in the event of a possible disruption to the caribenation or harvest. The agreement should achieve coordination in the conservation of the PCH and its habitat. The Board of Directors has established a technical committee made up of Canadian and U.S. experts from participating legal systems, who actively monitor and monitor the health of the herd and its habitat.

April 10, 2021

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