Expresses Agreement Or Acquiescence With Or To

Borrowed by French, back to the centre of France, borrowed by the Latin acqui`scere “rest, find peace, be satisfied”, by ad-ad- quiscere “rest, calm” – more silently It is useful that we have both verbally declared our tolerance in advance. 1. Agree to agree to do something, or to follow passively without protesting: Sam accepted his wife`s request to put the laundry in the washing machine. Since the agreement expressed by tolerance is tacit, the word is sometimes adopted in such a way that this agreement is reluctantly or reluctantly. However, such restraint is not part of the meaning of the word. By accepting, you silence your consent: you do not express objections, which in turn is interpreted as your essence with the situation or proposal. Be satisfied or apparently satisfied or rest without resistance and discontent (usually involve prior opposition or discontent); accept or accept by silence or lack of opposition; followed by `in`, formerly also `with` and `to`. Both episodes end with approval pacts, but consent is clearly as foreign as in both cases; We`re waiting for the explosions. No no.

If you have given your consent verbally, you simply agree. By definition, tolerance is silent. Merriam-Webster defines the word as passive acceptance or submission and says: If you want to involve thoughtful consent, you can use consent instead. Merriam-Webster again: 2. Etymology: derived from the Latin verb quiescere, “shut up.” It came in English around 1620, on French tolerance with the obsolete importance of “resting”. ak-kwi-es, v.i. satisfied or unopposed: consent (with in).-n. Acquies`cence, silent consent or submission.-adj.

Acquies`cent, satisfied with rest: simple: servile.-advs. Acquies-Cently, Acquies-cingly. [L. acquiescerence-ad, and quies, rest.] Tolerance essentially means “staying calm,” so it shouldn`t surprise you to learn that it`s ultimately derived from the Latin verb quiescere, which means “to be calm.” It came in English around 1620, about the enduring French, with the now obsolete meaning “rest satisfied.” The most well-known use of the term “accept or respect” appeared in 1651 in the writings of the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In his masterpiece Leviathan, Hobbes argued that people should submit entirely to a sovereign and obey the teachings of the Church. He encouraged his readers to take his position and wrote: “Our Beeefe . . . is in the Church; The word we take and tolerate. Acquiesce is a song by british rock band Oasis.

April 9, 2021

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